Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Replacing SunSSH with OpenSSH in Tribblix

I recently did some work to replace the old SSH implementation used by Tribblix, which was the old SunSSH from illumos, with OpenSSH.

This was always on the list - our SunSSH implementation was decrepit and unmaintained, and there seemed little point in general in maintaining our own version.

The need to replace has become more urgent recently, as the mainstream SSH implementations have drifted to the point that we're no longer compatible - to the point that our implementation will not interoperate at all with that on modern Linux distributions with the default settings.

As I've been doing a bit of work with some of those modern Linux distributions, being unable to connect to them was a bit of a pain in the neck.

Other illumos distributions such as OmniOS and SmartOS have also recently been making the switch.

Then there was a proposal to work on the SunSSH implementation so that it was mediated - allowing you to install both SunSSH and OpenSSH and dynamically switch between them to ease the transition. Personally, I couldn't see the point - it seemed to me much easier to simply nuke SunSSH, especially as some distros had already made or were in the process of making the transition. But I digress.

If you look at OmniOS, SmartOS, or OpenIndiana, they have a number of patches. In some cases, a lot of patches to bring OpenSSH more in line with old SunSSH.

I studied these at some length, looked at them, and largely rejected them. There are a couple of reasons for this:

  • In Tribblix, I have a philosophy of making minimal modifications to upstream projects. I might apply patches to make software build, or when replacing older components so that I don't break binary compatibility, but in general what I ship is as close to what you would get if you did './configure --prefix=/usr; make ; make install' as I can make it.
  • Some of the fixes were for functionality that I don't use, probably won't use, and have no way of testing. So blindly applying patches and hoping that what I produce still works, and doesn't arbitrarily break something else, isn't appealing. Unfortunately all the gssapi stuff falls into this bracket.
One thing that might change this in the future, and something we've discussed a little, is to have something like Joyent's illumos-extra brought up to a state where it can be used as a common baseline across all illumos distributions. It's a bit too specific to SmartOS right now, so won't work for me out of the box, and it's a little unfortunate that I've just about reimplemented all the same things for Tribblix myself.

So what I ship is almost vanilla OpenSSH. The modifications I have made are fairly few:

It's split into the same packages (3 of them) along just about the same boundaries as before. This is so that you don't accidentally mix bits of SunSSH with the new OpenSSH build.

The server has
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
added to /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow connections from older SunSSH clients.

The client has
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss
added to /etc/ssh/ssh_config so that it will allow you to send DSA keys, for users who still have just DSA keys.

Now, I'm not 100% happy about the fact that I might have broken something that SunSSH might have done, but having a working SSH that will interoperate with all the machines I need to talk to outweighs any minor disadvantages.

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